Does Jet Power make delivery on time?
Yes, we do. FUZHOU JET ELECTRIC MACHINERY CO., LTD invests much time and money in finding out the most suitable logistics supplier to make delivery on time. According to the data we collect, we reach a high on-time delivery rate. It is the result of our complete supply chain and reliable logistics partners. After years of investigation, we find out the roots for shipment delay and try to avoid them by cooperating with more logistic companies. In the following decades, we will keep maintaining the on-time delivery rate.
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Today, Jet Power is privileged to connect with millions of customers all over the world with its exceptional power pack container. diesel generator set series manufactured by Jet Power include multiple types. And the products shown below belong to this type. In the manufacturing of Jet Power gasoline generator set, routing inspection and random scrutinization will be conducted to make sure the product is done complying with the quality requirements in the hardware industry. The product contains no toxic materials and is 100% recyclable, which means a lot of energy savings and a big step towards a greener future.
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We will gradually gear towards a more sustainable manufacturing approach. We will not generate wastes or pollution that impose a burden on the environment.

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